A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Drunken Madness

I tend to pride myself with my philosophy on drinking and my drinking habits, meaning the way I handle my liquor. Well, there is a down to every up, if anything life has reinforced that into me so well. I was expecting this to be honest, to happen sometime before I hit my thirties, and it happened instead when I was 24, for the first time in my life.

I got drunk last Sunday when I went out for drinks with a good friend of mine. One thing led to another, although I am unsure for the cause of the reason, maybe because I did not eat enough, or did not have enough water periodically that led to my drunken frenzy. Although I can't technically call it a frenzy, since all I did was vomit and lay on the couch, freezing, trying to warm up. I barely spoke or anything of the sort.

But it made me think, before I judged people who got drunk on a regular basis without ever being drunk myself. Today, I can speak from experience. I do not understand why people go out to get drunk every weekend. It's not a good feeling. I definitely didn't like puking, or being light headed and dizzy. Not my cup of tea. I can't understand what could make them feel good enough to want to get drunk over and over again. It's idiotic. I love alcohol, but I have no desire to get drunk anytime soon--if possible ever again in my life. It seems like such a poor decision making skill. Even today, when I think about alcohol and how it made me feel, I feel queasy even without a drop of alcohol.

So here it is, people who constantly go out to drink, and for them the definition of drinking being getting pissed drunk ... have issues they are trying to overcompensate with weak wills and cowardly because they can't face on their difficulties, and people who like to feel sorry for themselves. People who constantly do this to themselves, knowingly and intentionally are masochists. Period. There is no understanding around it, unless you have an addiction, which is entirely different. That aside, people who live like this, making this apart of their life styles...have a lot of growing up and maturing to do.

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