A World of Ramblings

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Work Horse?

While I can love taking my time in doing things and getting ready, enjoying a summer vacation as much as the next person, I do love working. I love having my schedule busy, running from one place to the next, trying to fit everything in to the weekdays and having many tasks to complete on my to do list. I enjoy all of this and yes, you can even say I am at half way to self torturing.

Working keeps you busy, it keeps your mind working, and puts and sustains your body in motion and soul stirring about. Things leave an impression on you, working gives you the chance for your soul to be imprinted on, to be impressed and to grow. Working keeps you connected and within society of humanity and in your own geographical, socioeconomic community (of sorts). While working, you might not get the chance to contemplate on the meaning of life, you might not have to think about ethical issues, thee conjecture of life on this planet, the progress of technology or the advancement of medicine. Heck, you might even get the chance to glance at your own day, let alone past or future. Work does get hectic, with many things to do on your list, emails to write, phone calls to make, things to think about that pertains to work. h

However, work gives you the foundation to think about the meaning of life through your experiences within your daily life. The accumulation of your daily lives over periods of times, the phases and chapters of your one individual life and the side knowledge one compiles, connecting the dots, seeing patterns becomes easier and if you're willing to see and deal with consequences certain truths of universe definitely will unveil in the language you can understand and the meaning you can interpret. Because your brain is working, it becomes easier for these patterns to become available to you, because unintentionally you'll become on the lookout. That's just how work is. It gives you the foundation of you as an individual and gives you the window want to look from, judge, assess and becomes the platform decide your life decisions eventually.

The most insight a writer could have to other characters is to mingle among them and see them in action so to speak. Imagination is a great resource, obviously no matter what kind of a fiction writer is, s/he will always employ her or his imagination to their work. That's why work is important, you get to meet so many people and can have a lot of different inspirations for one particular character which makes it come alive, rather than just plainly written on a page. That's one of the reasons I love working.

Also, when I don't work, it makes me feel purposeless, worthless, a total failure and well, cripples any kind of self confidence I have. Making your own money is the first step to feeling like you're accomplishing something, paying your bills and buying things of necessities and wants with that money is a fruit that is only too sweet. Obviously this isn't the one step solution to the problems people have about their own self, or life in general, but it is a good place to start, at least it has always been for me. Maybe, I am far more simpler than I think.

Oh and when you've been working hard, coming home and resting is all that much more sweeter. So I've never ran away from excessive amounts of work or even responsibility for that matter. However, I don't like to enslave myself to the place I work at. I do love to be able to embrace the place as myself, protect it's needs and interests and do my best to promote it, I do work hard, this is why I am still so dearly loved at Sinbad's. That's why I could come at any time I like. Because I do my job deserving. But also, your employer has to acknowledge that work and be fair. Other wise, unlike Sinbad's and most like Subway I used to work at, the turn over will be high. Just as an employer has to be satisfied with their employees, an employee has to be satisfied with their employer. It's a mutual beneficial relationship and well, if one party is behind in fulfilling their responsibilities, it will eventually effect the other, therefore becoming mutually destructible towards one another.

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