A World of Ramblings

Thursday, November 10, 2011

You can't fix me

Sometimes there are things you just can't fix in me...When things are broken, they are broken and no matter how much you leave the darkness out in the light to seep through it's core to alter it's personality...but it won't change.

Certain traits are written in stone, you can't alter them. No matter how much you want to remove it from your traits list, or how much you want to tweak it to give you an advantage in life...

I am what I am with the good and the bad. You can't expect me to be like you and try to put me in these molds so that I can become an ideal type of person for you. If I am not catching you as I am, guess what buddy, you and I are not going to make a good match. Because there is so much pretend I can do before it all comes crushing down, taking the two of us in a spiraling hell that just will become our own abyss (well one of my many endless ones).

A person can be inspired to change and be a better person as a whole by an event, a person, an idea or a movement. These are all necessary in human life many times over to keep our growth constant and fruitful. Regardless though, the person has to want that change. You can't make me someone who I am not to make me more desirable for you. This cannot be a negotiation.

I am spicy and stubborn. This is who I am. If these qualities bother you, just move on to the next person that makes you feel something. We don't have to end up blissfully together. For all I care, I am not interested in you that way. But I am sick of people trying to fit me into molds and being hard at work to change my personality, tweaking traits and characteristics that I value to begin with, and sometimes wanting to change the bad things about me too, regardless though, these are changes I must want myself. You can't change me for me. That is a decision only I can make and you can't try to make me feel bad for deciding not to change and being perfectly content with being who I am.

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