A World of Ramblings

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Theraputic books

There is nothing as therapeutic as buying new books. Don't get me wrong, I love make up, nail polish, hair products and skin girl as much as the next girl. Not to sound condescending, I do like being well groomed, prim and proper and looking polished. Extravagance isn't quite my style, however I do like "taking care of myself". That being said, nothing really motivates and heals me at the same time like buying a new book. This said book may be a celebrated or not so celebrated classic novel, short-story collection or a poem collection. It may be a new grammar study book (God knows I need more of those) along with those "How to Write a Short-Story" or other sort of reference book to writing. The cover is always in perfect condition. The pages are crisp and have that musky book scent. Clean margins, virgin of notations, citations, opinions. There is not a drop of highlight. I am a tactile learner. It takes a while for the information to sink in order for me to understand the material--talk about being thick headed. So, new books, here I come, embrace me tightly :)

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