A World of Ramblings

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Muses and Motivations

So, I've been thinking about what are motivations and muses. What are they separately and individually, but also how do they differ from one another? What is considered a muse--a job, a person, an inanimate object, a goal in mind, jealousy, competition, the rush of winning? What motivates us though, to keep going to achieve those goals? What keeps us going day in and day out, sun rise after sun rise, how do we keep ourselves from questioning our purpose and the reason we are doing this? How do we continue to justify our reasons for doing the things we do? How do we come to the decision that this can't be let go.

I think in humanity in general, holding on to one thing and preserving something as it is, has to be one of the most difficult things in this life. Starting something can be essentially difficult, but things get started all the time. However to continue that is even so much harder. We change, our experiences change, people surrounding us change, our environments change, political and economical forces change, thus forcing a change in the way we view ourselves and our society as a whole, our own place within that society and the place of the group we belong together at large, altogether. Moods change within the day. How do you continue to foster the very same home, enthusiasm, care, diligence and sensitivity for a long time to come? It's one thing if you're trying to motivate yourself for an exam, an end of semester grade, fitting into a dress for one particular event...but for life time goals that literally take till your very last breath, how do you find a motivation to keep going on and on and on. What makes you get up? What do you find so inspirational to continue and to evolve and tailor the purpose you so adamantly believed in three years ago, although you recognize dramatic changes in your thought and behavior patterns nowadays.

Change isn't always negative. Sometimes change is great as people strive for larger dreams, things that will benefit them in the long run, even if one never gains what she or he seeks, but continues to chase after it as it will keep that said person evolving and keep going towards a greater good for her or his self, personhood, etc. We are bound to change and be a different person in our childhood into the section nowadays called tween, teenage years, early adulthood, adulthood, late adulthood and finally as senior citizens. We all get used up one way or another and sometimes we lose things and sometimes we gain things through the things we've lost. The things we've lost has the very same potential to make us a better person and change us in a positive way as the negativity and the darkness within our souls resides and reverberates. Some changes are necessary as we can't  be the same in our 18 as we were when we were 10. Hormones at the very least dictates so.

Then through all of these different stages of our lives, how do we keep finding different muses and different motivations to keep us going through the tightened rope we walk on as there seems to be an abyss on the other side if we fall.

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