A World of Ramblings

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Galloping horses

There is not much to say other than to state the fact that my list of things to do does not diminish in the least bit. At all. The problem is I hate rushing through it when the opposite helps me learn much better, digest it and come to terms with the material I am working.

That aside, which will be worked on better next week and hopefully will set in a stoned schedule where there will be little changes. I used to be happy working at Subway, when I first started working there. No more. With Tony's return everything returned back to it's original stress level with annoyance under my skin. He is no good for the morale, the atmosphere and even the motivation of his works. He has unrealistic expectations of what one worker could possibly achieve during an eight hour shift. The only left to do is to persevere under these circumstances

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