A World of Ramblings

Friday, January 9, 2009

The truth is

I just really want to be with you, is it bad?
There are these feelings towards you that I have not ever possessed towards anybody. Its not just my nature that I feel these feelings. Its how you make me feel, and how I just became so obsessed over it, because I am afraid your feelings for you will fade, my feelings for you will change as a reaction. I know for a fact, within the core of my soul that I can never feel this way ever again.
I want to share my world and The world with you. I want you to do the same. I want to know your past, I want to be your present and hold a significant place in your future. But that just feels like silly talk. I don't know anything of your past and your present is blurry to me, your future is sacredly hidden away. I don't know where I stand with you.

Down the years, as wines do, slowly experience the tastes of the world, and bury the life in to red with you. The color of my malicious soul. But you want nothing to do with my world. I am hesistant to share it with you, and you only increase my anxiety as you seem to take no interest. You don't want to bring me into your world either. It's true I don't like people in my world, I don't let people in easily, but one can't help but to wish...and that feels like it would need a miracle to happen.

The way you stand up, your voice, the way you smile, and hold my hand...The way your skin feels, and how your touch can stir the world my soul resides in.

I hope one day you can return these affections, thoughts and feelings towards me.
I want to be the only one and only one for you. But I can't see a future with you. I'd like to plan it, but I can't seem to be able to. I'd like to be able to dream but you don't encourage me, nor do you dream with me. Am I actually the only one in this relationship?

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