A World of Ramblings

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Can you pretend you haven't seen something of significance, after, in fact you had? What responsibilities does one have to herself, her reason, her community and to the legal system at work perhaps? We tend to be ignorant of many things and avoid things we don't want to deal with, and pretend something doesn't exist so we don't have to confront it, or find a solution to a very real, threatening and exiting problem. But how much further should we go along with it? Should we not are, simply because others don't? And simply, should we care, because the masses do? Shouldn't causes and fights be near and dear to heart, to really be worth it, to really advocate for it and stand up for it, defending it, at all times and circumstances, with its flaws and shortcomings?

How do we go about changing the things we see, and how much should we hold other responsible to be impressionable to the things they witness to? How much people should change after initial and repeated witnessing accounts, experiences?

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