A World of Ramblings

Wednesday, August 15, 2012



It's good to be transitioning into some sort of order and at least attempting to have an organized life. I like schedules as much as I hate them. They're complicated, time consuming, habit creators, monotonous and well, ordinary. They create complications and over time become pretty solid promise makers or unavailable to do anything else. Someone who has a chaotic and hectic life, whose life pretty much depends on and lives on the hinges of destiny's seconds, this creates tremendous problems for me. Nothing ever gets done in advance for me. Everything either decides to get done in the last possible nanosecond or comes undone in that very last nanosecond. Such is my life and I have come to terms with it, accept and understand it.

However, I've also come to understand that I cannot function properly, at least efficiently without the guidance and strict time consumption of schedules. My life is as chaotic as it is and it becomes impossible to see one step ahead unless I have some sort of to do list, some sort of order of things to get done and some sort of calendar to follow strictly. Things often are left uncompleted, forgotten, past due, or worst not done at all. Or even worst yet, I just spend enormous amounts of time doing nothing in particular (i.e. searching the history of IUDs since the beginning of time).

While, this new schedule is still in its infancy stages and needs a lot of improvement, effort and time to make it work, but at least some sort of order and sense of an organized life has begun here, in this new (at least new for me, since I no longer live alone) apartment.

Between two people who has found what they were seeking and beyond, things they were not ready for, people who essentially are solitary souls...things could not have been better and nothing could have gone into more in sync (not that it is). At least there are organized things and there are those that needs to be organized and things that still needs work.

At this point, what else could I ask for? Other than to get my ass from this couch and actually start doing things?

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