A World of Ramblings

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Magic of Books

There is something magical about books and the world it creates for its reader as much as for its author.

Imagine a small local bookstore, as you enter to the store, the smell of pages and covers greets you warmly and softly. The sight of books stacked on bookshelves is rather intoxicating, the knowledge, words, emotions and stories to be unfolded right under your fingertips and hidden away in your mind, your imagination. Things that beckons to be found out, secrets to be revealed, a history to share and to ravel a whole world right before your own eyes.

A good book, can take you not; only to a beautiful place with the most vivid descriptions imagination or reality could offer to human mind, the words and emotion packed stories with good twists and plots, setting making everything else in the story well...set. The characters whimsically play around and you begin to like them like your own, or hate them perhaps. You begin to have hopes and expectations on them, characters that necessarily don't exist, a product of fiction but you can be disappointed, hopeful, shamed, sad for, mortified and the list goes on. The liven up right before you without you even realizing it, or waiting for it to happen. In mean while you holding your breath wondering what is going to happen next. Besides these, a good book always has something its trying to say, something it's trying to prove. Something that the author wants to share and has gone through painstaking processes in order to produce a book, something of imagination, provocation, made up of only ideas and words, nothing concrete, bearing his or her soul, which you will pay between five and thirty dollars and read it all in about probably 2 to 5 days. In return which you will criticize every word, every chapter, the setting, the plot, the characters, the dialogue, and the climax along with the ending. No author can satisfy all of its reader or those who happen to stumble upon its creation.

World of books, magical, elongated, passionated and forever lost.

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