A World of Ramblings

Monday, October 12, 2009

Funny how life works.
We all need certain things to get through our days, our years and our lives. All of us, even the most aimless, carefree creatures of the world needs a purpose, a reason to live, to continue to exist and to justify our own existences, living, breathing, consuming, a reason why we occupy space and time.
We all need, even the most rigid, upscale, responsible people need their drug of choice. When I use the term drug here, I do not mean in the literal sense of narcotics. Not cocaine, weed, acid, or whatever is popular these days. I mean it in the most metaphorical sense. We need to have reality as sweet, as dreamy, in a fantasy like world as we could get it. Workaholics surround themselves in work and only work so the other parts of life that exist and are very much real just like the work life...real....but they do everything in their power to diminish the other circles of life's influence.
religion fanatics live in for the after death, for the promise of the other world to be realer, to be sweeter, to be better than we all currently occupy.
The over sensitive, the emotional freak, as most people call them. To make you feel better, I am probably included in this category of people as well. We tend to live it out, and hope for more intense, more passion in all sides of life, even sometimes we cant deal with the negativity. but people that are over emotional tend to be creative so when we are overhauled and our circuits about to blow up we tend to work more, and create more whatever it is that we occupy our emotions with.

We all have drugs that are inescapable, that we are addicted to yet have no intention of stopping. Because, well most of us aren't even aware of our addictions that drives us to the core of life and madness.

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