A World of Ramblings

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A little shopping never hurt anybody...right?
Well, I did get two things I've been wanting over a while, and now if I could get my hands on that anti aging SPF filled moisturizer from Clinique, I would have the perfect set.
Today, didn't start quite perfect but it had been rather better than I probably hoped it would be.
I at least ended up getting some good time, and a little time outside of home does wonders to anybody to get inspired and motivated. Home as wonderful as it is, it is unhealthy to be at home all the time.
have no idea how Emily Dickinson, lived at home, without ever stepping a foot outside all that time. As my age grows the more I respect her honestly. I am amazed how she can continue to write so wonderfully without stepping a foot outside, and only from the real of her home she looked at the world and was able to give us a great insight at the world. A deep insight that most are unable to give us even living out in the social world like the social animals that we are. It is quite fascinating to me. However, staying at home does signify a great mental illness, I wonder what compelled her to never set a foot outside and I wonder what she had gone through that dispelled her from engaging in love--at least no one can tell if she was with someone all those years. There are of course theories of possible love that Dickinson possessed towards people. but nothing ever has been proven and nothing as ever been admitted by anyone during her lifetime. All there is left for us to do is to just wonder and well, a secret that will never be explained in reality. Regardless of how much conviction, how many evidences, how many theories we have, it can never truly be proven hence we cannot talk to the late Dickinson. It's possibly a pointless thing to talk about, but regardless, one does wonder. If anyone has ever read anything by Dickinson, it does raise suspicion, it does strike one with awe, if she could capture and captivate an audience with all of these emotions without herself living such, she is one brilliant human to be celebrated.

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