A World of Ramblings

Saturday, September 19, 2009

To be lost within is probably one of the worst feelings one could experience. No matter how many times through out an individual's life, each time they bring their own darkness, fears, complications, and baggage. It changes every time. You can never truly get over it. Its more along the lines of doing things so you don't get back sucked into the vacuumed nothingness, darkness, numbness and hazy life passing you by without seeing anything. To be blinded both through your heart, and your eyes is a horrible feeling of isolation, that is millions times worse than "Time Out" we receive from our communities. But at the same time, it hurts so much, large doses of melancholy and unbearable loneliness. With so many other elements in the equations and combinations as a result, its a wonder to me that any human being functions throughout the day in their own daily loves. This of course, absolutely includes me. Fantasy world without a doubt is definitely much, much sweeter.
How does one actually go about getting out of the sucked vacuum? How does one continue their daily life with all of its ups and downs, its drawbacks, difficulties, superficial people, and remain being happy? If there is some sort of an elixir, a state of mind, a formula I would very much like to know about it. Ah, that would probably make a lot of money judging from consumerism and how a large chunk of the humanity seems miserable to me.

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