A World of Ramblings

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dearest Andrew

Yesterday, I found out that a really good friend of mine passed away.
I am not sure how to handle it, or cope with it. I am not even sure how to take it. At first I thought it was some sick joke a mutual friend was playing on me. Then the cold reality sunk in.
Andrew at the age of 27 was found .... lifeless, in his room on saturday. He no longer is with us, and frankly I am not sure how to handle it. There are so many things that are going through my mind right now.
I have always been close to Andrew; we were good friends. We meet in 2005 in college, through a program called National Model United Nations and have been friends ever since. He transferred to NYU, but we never lost touch. We often called and facebooked each other. This semester had been difficult on both of us, Andrew trying to graduate and me tryig to transfer. Now, I regret not calling him, I regret not being able to see him one last time. It hurts .

Life seems all the less pointless, and really tied to cotton strings as the old people would have said. I am in a complete daze. Its difficult to comprehend. This is challenging my moral and religious beliefs, along with my whole philosophy. I have had people die in my family. Mostly old. Or even if they were young, they were far away from me enough not to be shake up this badly. But Andrew's death....is unlike anything I've faced before.

On top of everything, we have no clues, no information, no way of contacting anybody that knows anything. Drives me insane.

Rest in Peace Andrew...

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