A World of Ramblings

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I haven't wrote anything on here in a while.
I was home, and then I didn't have internet, next thing my computer was going through old problems, so I just didn't post anything up on here. Probably the biggest factor is that I could not remember my password for my account on here. :( thats a bad habit but everything is neatly saved in my laptop and with one click I never have to remember anything that's written down.
Einstein has said that "if anything is written down it is a waste of memory to memorize it." Albeit not in the exact same word order, in that line.
Going back home was interesting...to say the least. I am not sure what to make all of that. And afterwards, who knows. I am too cold, and too tired to examine anything anymore. There is a swirl of thoughts in my mind, one connecting to another, all going off tangents, in the continuum of life. I am lost in abyss as a summary.
One good thing that did happen was that I wrote a lot of my preconceived ideas, outlined them and have turned them into short stories, poems, essays and such. I have also been able to come up with a whole load of new ones. So that part was good to have to be honest. One good thing to keep you going.

But bad news come as I go anywhere. Knowing he was hurt, that severely stung and made a lump in my throat that I could not swallow.
You can't help yourself. Thats the way things are

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